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Overcome Intimidation

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In our last care group session of the year, Pastor Darren Sim is joined by Pastor Josh Holohan and his wife, Lindsay Holohan, as they talk more about the topic: Overcome Intimidation.

Take part in this digital care group session on your own or together with your friends and family. Feel free to use this guide to follow the conversation with our pastors, use it for your own personal time of study, or to facilitate more conversations with your community.

This session is based on the message:
Joseph Prince—Understand The Times (Oct 10, 2021) [Sermon Notes]

Key scriptures:

  • Judges 14:5-6
  • 1 Peter 5:8-10 (NLT)


1. What is intimidating you today?

God’s Word tells us that the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). For Samson, it was a young lion that came roaring against him (Judges 14:5) but today, our lion can look like an unfavorable health report, challenges in a relationship, or a negative circumstance in life. 

“. . . . For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” — 2 Corinthians 4:18 

Seen = Temporal
Unseen = Eternal 

The devil walks about like a roaring lion. These challenges can seem like a roaring lion, intimidating us with a sense of fear and defeat but God’s Word says that what is seen is temporary, while what is unseen is eternal. Whatever challenge is coming against you right now is visible and because it is, we have the assurance that it is temporal and not permanent. 

Talk It Over

What is intimidating you today? 

Take a moment to think about what negative circumstance in life is 

See your challenges through hazon vision, through the Word of God, and through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The lion—a financial challenge, a negative health report, or family conflict—may look real in your life right now but the Word of God is even more powerful and more real. The Word of God is eternal, it is truth, it is strength, and it imparts to you the encouragement that you need to overcome this intimidation.  

2. In the midst of your intimidation, you are not alone

Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.” — 1 Peter 5:9 NLT

The family of believers all over the world that Peter is referring to in his letter reminds us of our very own family of believers here at GRC Online that is made up of believers who are all over the United States, Canada, and the world! We may be separated by time and space but we go through similar challenges and it is in the midst of a community of believers that we are able to encourage and lift one another up. When we stand in faith together, we can overcome all things.

God’s delivery system for His rhema, “right-now” word that builds us up and edifies us, is through the church.

Even when you feel like you have no faith, just by being in an environment of faith (i.e. Digital Care Groups, Sunday services), faith and strength are imparted.

3. God is able to bring something beneficial and sweet out of every challenge

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered for a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.” — 1 Peter 5:10 NLT 

In the midst of the challenging situation, the assurance that the Lord gives us is that it is for “a little while”—there will be an end to this challenge, and He will restore, support, and strengthen you. 

While the Lord is not behind the challenge or negative situation, He is able to work it out for our good (Rom. 8:28), and just like the riddle that Samson shared in Judges 14:14, God is able to bring sweetness and nourishment for you out of all that the devil is trying to do in your life. Even if the devil has managed to attack an area of your life during this time, be encouraged and know that God can still cause something good and sweet to come out of it for you.

4. Own the Word

In this care group session, we learned that God is not behind our challenges and negative circumstances but He is able to work all things out for our good and bring something beneficial out of it. However, even in the midst of the challenge, there is strength and power found in community.

You are not meant to go through life on your own. The enemy’s tactic is to isolate you, making you feel like you are the only one facing this challenge when the truth is, there are others around you who go through similar challenges. When you choose to plant yourself in a community of grace believers, you can draw strength from God together and encourage one another. 


Reach out to someone

Take a step of faith and be vulnerable with a friend today. Or if the Lord puts compassion for someone in your heart during the day, reach out to them, text them, or give them a call to connect with them and encourage them in whatever they might be going through.

Check out these additional resources:

Grab a piece of paper and write down a promise found in God’s Word that you are claiming for yourself. If you are feeling the stress of work or life’s daily demands, you can write down a verse like Psalm 1:3, and personalize it like this:

“I shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever I do shall prosper.”

Put up this piece of paper near your bathroom mirror or a place in the house where you frequent and whenever you see it this week, take a moment to verbally speak it out over yourself.

Questions about this topic

Do you have a question that you would like answered from this care group session? Here are some thoughts from the team that we would like to share.
  • My problem doesn’t just feel like an accusation or intimidation. It is a real, concrete problem that feels impossible to resolve. What can I do?

We understand that some challenges, such as financial lack or conflicts in a marriage or career, need a tangible solution that seems beyond even human ability. The enemy often uses these challenges to intimidate you into believing there is no hope for your situation or that you have no choice but to suffer in your circumstances.

The truth of the matter is that while the problem before you is real, it has already been overcome by Christ Jesus when He bore all your sicknesses, curses and attacks on the cross. For example, if you are facing a negative health report, the devil wants to make you feel like you’re trying to get to the destination called “healed.” He tries to convince you that you must do your best to get there, when in fact you are already healed (Isa. 53:5). In fact, he is just trying to deceive you and steal your healing but you don’t have to fall for it!

Or perhaps you’re trusting the Lord for a breakthrough and answered prayers. The enemy may accuse and intimidate you with thoughts such as, “Look at how easily you lose your temper. Why should God give you favor in your career?” or “’You call yourself a Christian? When was the last time you read your Bible? Why should God heal your child?” When faced with this voice of accusation, it may cause you to doubt that God will answer your prayer. However, know that this too, is a lie. You can stand firm in your identity as the beloved child and righteousness of God in Christ, and know that it is not about what you do, but what Christ has done for you.

In these situations, no matter how hopeless or discouraging the situation seems, know that the Bible says that what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Cor. 4:18). The problem you see before you cannot stand up for long against the power of God and His eternal, infallible Word that brings life, restoration, and healing!

  • How do I overcome the challenges I’m facing?

We want to encourage you that no matter how tough the challenge you’re facing, you don’t have to overcome it by your strength, ability, or intelligence. Instead, you simply need to turn your eyes to God (2 Chron. 20:12). As you do this, hear Him say to you, “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s…You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (2 Chron. 20:15, 17). As you go about doing whatever the situation requires, don’t worry or put your trust in what you do. Instead, rest and trust in God’s power and mercy that endures forever. As His power, wisdom, and favor come upon you through His Spirit, there is nothing that you cannot overcome!

While God is fighting your battle for you, you can do your part by feeding on God’s Word. The Bible says that the Word of God is living and powerful. It is so powerful that once released, it will never be ineffective, but always accomplishes and prospers what it was sent for (Isa. 55:10–11). As you feed on and discern all that Jesus has done for you on the cross, healing, wholeness and deliverance will surely come.

The only labor on your part is to labor to enter into His rest. When you are facing a challenge, you can say, “Father, I thank You this battle is Yours. Thank You, Father, You have overcome this problem for me.”

  • I’m discouraged as I feel alone in my struggle and no one understands. How can I find strength in this situation?

The enemy wants to make you feel that you are alone in your struggles and you are the only one facing these problems. By isolating you from people and leaving you with no support, he can cause you to fall into great despair and discouragement.

In actual fact, there are others facing similar situations as you. What’s more, God has never intended for the body of Christ to walk this journey of life alone. When you are facing challenges, getting connected with fellow believers is so powerful because you’ll realize you’re not alone in your struggles. As you share about your lives and stand in faith together, encouraging and praying for one another, something changes. You’ll feel the burden is lightened and as you encourage one another to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord and hold onto His Word, step by step, victory and restoration come.

At the same time, continue to find encouragement in Christ-centered teachings that focus on the Lord’s love for you. As you keep meditating on His perfect love for you, His love will cast out all your fears and anxieties (1 John 4:18). As you receive a rhema word for your situation, it will build you up and remind you of the intended outcome God has for your situation—to always work all things together for your good (Rom. 8:28) and to give you a future and a hope through His beautiful plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).


Send us photos of yourself, your family, and share with us how being a part of GRC Online has blessed you.

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Theresa Mathes

With this teaching, I felt led to study Lions and then to pass along the highlights of what I learned.

I remembered that Lions (male lions) don’t hunt and kill, it is the Lioness’ (female lions) that do that job. Then I wondered HOW a lion could hunt something after giving away her hidden place with so much noise. Wouldn’t the prey just be able to run away? It was with that little information and those questions that I began my study.

A male lion WILL assist in the hunting and capturing of a LARGE prey. In fact, several lions will assist in such an undertaking. So males do hunt but only is SPECIAL circumstances. I take that to mean that each attack is unique.
Then I learned that in the hunting context, a lion will roar to basically be saying to the pride (the group of lions in that group); “OVER HERE!! The prey is over here, come!” That roar can be heard up to 5 miles away! I take that to mean that we have been discovered by the enemy when we hear that roar. We can use that roar to our advantage also! We can change the circumstance(s) and place we were discovered. We can also ask for help! Just those few things could turn everything around and quickly.
When the lion(s) decide to attack;
“When attacking the smaller prey like a warthog, lions move towards their prey very carefully by hiding in the grass. When the prey notices any disturbances, it runs. At that time, the hidden lion on the way of prey catches the prey and kills the prey.”*

When attacking the herd of gigantic animal-like buffalo, the lions do not hide. The lions cover the herd of buffalo and make chaos among them to separate.”
But it can be a risk for a lion’s own life as African buffalos are aggressive and bulky. So they chase anyone of them very carefully. After separating and chasing, they attack the far separated one by jumping up to the back of the buffalo and biting the end of the spinal cord. When the prey slows down, the lions from different side attack and jump up to the prey. Lions scratch and bite the backbone of the prey to damage the bone marrow.

Does this sound familiar? Create chaos? Separating, creating aloneness! When the attack happens, it is to the spinal cord! Our spinal cord carries information from our body to our brain and our brain to our body. The attack gives the prey NERVE DAMAGE! From paralysis to small symptoms of nerve damage like pins and needles feeling in hands, arms, toes, legs. Sometimes we get bit, sometimes only scratched. Each attack IS unique! I was amazed at how much this analogy of the lion attacking truly is how the kingdom of darkness attacks Believers and injures the Body of Christ.

When we hear that roar, run – change your location in the Spirit and then call for help! Since each attack is unique, so are the circumstance to get out of it. However, THE WAY OUT is constant. Jesus told us that HE IS THE WAY! Pastor Prince gave a sermon on this and showed that THE WAY OUT is us just walking out. Amen!!


City, State
Austin, Texas

Thank you digital family. Your words touched my faith and heart. Exactly what I needed to hear for my health issues I am facing at this time. God Bless your ministry both near me in Dallas and all over the world.

City, State

I checked out the care community first time. The bible verses studied was short enough to keep my attention, and I love the way three pastors took turns to share their teachings, spoke blessings over us, and prayed for the participants. I am learning to pray for others and that is wonderful.

City, State
Roswell NM
Hope Sylvest

Please pray for my family, they all have civic, and one is my little angel she is 4 mts old and very sick, just please pray for us all… Thank you..,…

City, State
Bassfield Ms.
John L Olive

I watched the presentation this morning, Saturday, January 29th. I was blessed by it, and I will forward this blessed opt to others, so that they can connect, and they too can pass this blessing of the family of God, all around the earth,, getting to KNOW EACH other, connecting WITH EACH OTHER, to the GLORY of God, with no concern for the differences that men impose on each, but rather the oneness that we have in Christ, of which Jesus prayed for in John 17. God Bless

City, State
michael brock

just need prayer for anxiety and fear i Doubt myself in jesus some times a weird feeling i can feel

City, State
San Diego

Good morning

City, State
Houghton Lake, MI

You prayed for us to get a fresh revelation of Christ at the beginning of the care group. Amen! I went back and read the chapter in judges 14 about Samson and the Lion. This part stood out to me. Samson said to the people that if they could solve the riddle within 7 days he would give them 30 linen garments and 30 pieces of clothing. But if they couldn’t solve it they would have to give those things to him. I remember pastor Prince saying that linen meant free of sweat and that it symbolized rest. Clothing symbolizes that we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. So what he gained from them is rest and righteousness. We can all gain rest and righteousness when we are attacked by the fake lion. We just need to trust in the real Lion, The Lion of Judah, in the Spirit of the Lord, and not in our own power and in His Righteousness. Amen!

City, State
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Audrey Miller

I just watched this grace community of sharing today. I am so blessed for hearing these of encouragement today. Pastors you really spoke to my lions today, and what I really received from you is the overwhelming love and sincerity that comes from you. Thank you so much!

City, State
Hamtramck, MI 48212
denise villareal

Thank you Pastor Darren, Josh, & Lindsay for sharing your heart. Although, I watched care group session #7 much time after it originally aired, i saw it at just the right time. What an amazing Right Now needed word of encouragement from the Lord!

City, State
Evelyn Chaviva Kabarangira

Determine to depend on the Holy Spirit….#word for me today. Been meditating on the Holy Spirit, His presence and role in my life as a daughter of God…

Barb Purcell

This care group was so helpful. Addressing how one went through loss and prayers not answered that the important thing always is what He promised in the loss. Really good. I have had some ongoing battles in several areas and have just joined you 3 weeks ago, watching GRC on has been hugely encouraging and has brought me back to seeing through the eyes of faith and trusting in His goodness over me. Thank you so much.

City, State

Comments from Facebook & Live Chats

Triana S.
Triana S.from our Facebook group
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I love these digital group sessions! Of the many take-aways available, the ones that stood out to me had to do with the practical, free flowing, non-formulaic ways we can spend quality time with God across the seasons of our lives. Hearing how Pastor Prince and GRC staff have us on their hearts made me feel loved and connected. Thank you pastors for being relatable, for sharing in authentic and humble ways, and for letting us know how you successfully face the same challenges we do! Looking forward to the next digital care group.🙌
Donna S.
Donna S.from our Facebook group
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The digital care group discussion was so practical and helpful. I listened to it twice today and the activities are so very useful for me to put all this into practice. I'm so thankful to both of you (and of course Pastor Prince as well) for doing this!
joyfullyHuntersville, NC
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So glad to be part of GRC and this wonderful care group!!! 🙏😀❤️ So very blessed! The Lord bless you Pastors and your families!! I feel so loved and cared for! There’s no distance in the Spirit! I love and pray for all my brothers and sisters in Christ🙏❤️...
Liz GAGeorgia
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We truly feel like we are valuable members of GRC though we are physically distant.
Wendy HAustin, TX
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This is awesome, I work two weekends out of the month, as I am not able to get to church. So now I am so blessed to have this gathering in my home.
LoneyVictoria, BC
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Thank you for the care group notes, that’s really great!! Something we can work on during the week - really appreciated.
Lisa W@username
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GRC online is an answered prayer for me. 🙏🏽 Thank you for a rhema word. Jesus loves me and I’m never alone.