The Kairos Year of Right Time, Right Place
Main idea
2023 is the Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place! We all want to be in the right place, at the right time, all the time, but how do we make that happen? And is there any way we can create these right happenings for us and our loved ones?
In this first digital care group of the year, hear our pastors and leaders talk more about what the theme of the year means to us, and learn how you can experience many favorable God-orchestrated happenings and blessings this 2023!
Take part in this digital care group session on your own or with your friends and family. Feel free to use this guide to follow the conversation with our pastors, use it for your personal time of study, or to facilitate more conversations with your community.
This session is based on the message:
- Joseph Prince—The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place (Jan 8, 2023) [Sermon Notes]
1. God is the author of your kairos moments…
…not you. What a relief that is!
No matter how smart, foresighted, or wealthy we are, there is no way we can put ourselves in the right place and at the right time, all the time.
But as God’s people, such opportune moments can be part and parcel of our lives! While some may say it’s a “coincidence” or “random,” we know that being at the right place at the right time is something only God can orchestrate for us. It’s better to put our confidence in the Lord than to depend on our own abilities or qualifications.
God’s heart for you this year is to depend on Him for His “kairos” moments to place you in the right place, at the right time.
2. God can and He will work ALL things out for your good
But what happens when it seems like we are caught in the wrong place and at the wrong time? Or the breakthrough seems like it is an impossibility after all these years of waiting?
“Is anything too hard (‘pala’ — marvelous, wonderful) for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”—Genesis 18:14
There is nothing too miraculous that God cannot do. Just like Sarah, who saw God do the impossible for her when it seemed like there was no way, we shall see God’s promises manifest in our lives because He is willing and able to bring them to pass.
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season (‘kairos’) we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”—Galatians 6:9
God has promised in His Word that we will reap a bountiful harvest in due season, in the time of kairos—God’s appointed time. We can live life constantly on the lookout for ourselves, trying to get ourselves in the best position to be safe from harm or to receive that promotion at work, or we can live life resting in and being led by our Savior, assured that He knows everything and He has the best in store for us.
3. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to divine opportunities
“And he said, O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed (‘qarah’ — right happenings) this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham.”
–Genesis 24:12 KJV
Prayer puts you in a position of dependence on the Lord to experience God-orchestrated moments of breakthrough. Even something that looks like trouble will be transformed into a place of triumph in Christ.
Instead of relying on your own intelligence and trying to achieve your goals the way the world says is best, lean into the Holy Spirit’s leading. All we need to do is pray, put our trust in Him, who is bigger and able to orchestrate all things together for our good, and let His grace open many doors of opportunities for us this year!
This year, take time to pause and involve the Holy Spirit every day. The Holy Spirit can speak to you and lead you into divine opportunities to be a blessing to many people around you. Oftentimes, what may look like a detour or an inconvenience can be a setup for someone else’s blessing.
God’s right-time-right-place blessing will cause you to be a blessing to others too!
4. Own the Word
In this care group, we’ve heard so many powerful testimonies of right-time-right-place happenings and how God can even turn what seemed like a negative situation into one that blesses us—that will be your testimony too!
Collecting Kairos moments
As you go about this year, don’t miss out on what the Lord is doing in and through you. Every time you experience a kairos, God-orchestrated moment, write it down on a piece of paper. Find a jar or a box and begin to fill it with all these testimonies of how God led you to experience His right happenings. You can also do this digitally on your phone using the Notes application or join the rest of our GRC Online family in the lobby and add to our digital “Kairos jar”!
When these divine moments just happen to happen, let’s not be quick to dismiss them as coincidences but instead give God the glory!
Check out these additional resources:
- How to say the right thing at the right time [Video]
- God-Moments Give You Success [Article]
- DCG #12—Three Powerful Words: “I Don’t Know” [Digital Care Group]
Questions about this topic
There are many more qualified or more knowledgeable people who deserve the promotion/breakthrough I’m hoping for. How can I get it if I just sit here and wait for things to happen?
Though you live in this world, as God’s beloved child, you don’t have to be limited by it. You have God’s favor—His unmerited, unearned, undeserved grace. That means even if you are not the most qualified or knowledgeable person in the room, God can still give you success when you depend on His grace because His grace is not dependent on what you deserve or merit.
Grace is dependent on what His Son, Jesus Christ, has done at the cross for you. Because of Jesus’ finished work, you qualify for God’s blessings in your life!
When it comes to success in your job, resting in the Lord’s finished work doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be diligent or seek to improve and develop your skills. His grace does not make you lazy and it isn’t an excuse to not work hard. On the contrary, God’s blessing empowers you to labor more abundantly for His glory, as the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:10.
Under the new covenant, we don’t labor to earn God’s blessings; rather, because of God’s grace—what He has already blessed us with—we have the power to labor.
Knowing you have already been blessed despite your natural disqualifications puts you in a position of rest and not strife. Out of this rest, you can work unto the Lord with a spirit of excellence! As you put your trust in His unmerited favor, you can work unto Him, assured that He is the one who will bless the works of your hands and bring the breakthrough or promotion you are hoping for!
Check out these additional resources:
- DCG #15—Good Success [Digital Care Group]
- God’s #lifehack for good success [Video]
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Comments from Facebook & Live Chats

Hey GRC good day, why is it no partaking of Holy communion after the digital care group #16? I’m really expecting to have partaking as a family😊
I have watched Pastor Prince for years and I enjoy hearing what my heart already knew but never heard it preached.
One week ago I received a bad diagnosis (fail into a pit) of lung cancer and with two brothers passing from it , my thoughts went wild.
I would love and appreciate it if you (GRC Online family and Pastor Prince) would pray for me.
I have COPD and on November 22nd I had Acute respiratory failure and chronic heart failure and the Lord brought me back, miracle, and I was out of the hospital December 9th. My doctor saw two spots but thought it my be “shadows”.
Months go by and I was told I needed to set appointment to be sure.
I’ve prayed and cried, cried and prayed. I’ve read Pastor Prince Healing Scriptures, Eating your way to Wholeness, listened to his tapes and videos.
I believe,as Jesus is in heaven so am I in this world. Amen 🙏.
Thanks be to God, n my brother whom gifts teach me. To understand right believing
Everyday we begin by inviting the Lord to quide our day. He aligns us and as we let go of anxious thoughts and worship his sovereignty with a belt around our waist to hold it all together with his love toward us, each step seems to be shodded in his peace. Since I’m using a cane these days I have my staff in my hands and have learned he will bless me in all my ways. Lest I cast my foot against a stone. My walk to my car is full of pebbles so this is a real danger for me right now. My hip is injured with torn muscles. and my healing is on its way. After my MRI I fell and landed on the top of my leg hitting just the kitchen floor and the fall realigned my spine I can feel it helped. I didn’t fracture anything after getting another x-ray.. But God works all things for good! Even a fall. We will be seeing an Ortho doctor next week to see if endoscopy surgery will be needed. I trust he will guide us in that area. To again be at the right place right time.
Amen, I’ve been hearing about grace for a while now and it’s been life changing. In my home we had learned from my childhood under the law, but now we are living under grace.
Beautiful day to me would be to have no pain in my body.
I pray with each day. To see the Lords glory after glory. If any pain or confusion of his word I then see its meaning the recognition of his truth. In this the glory lights my path. I then rejoice . I want to tell the world.
Very well presented. Every quote was awesome and thanks for sharing the content. Keep sharing and keep motivating others.
very informative articles or reviews at this time.